Bath Flash Fiction - Commended

I’m delighted to have been Commended in this quarter’s Bath Flash Fiction competition. There were 1212 entries from 44 different countries, so I’m thrilled to have made the top five!

The competition is for stories under 300 words, and I so rarely have stories this length - I think I might have only entered once before, but didn’t even make the longlist. Every year, the organisers produce an anthology of the 200 stories that made up their four, 50-strong longlists from the year, so my aim really was to try to sneak into that. To make the shortlist and then the top five was a big bonus.

You can read my tiny story, ‘If Everyone Was A Superhero’, here. And read the judge’s comments on all the entries here. Each story only take a minute or two to read, so do read the others as well - absolutely beautiful pieces, I’m honoured to be listed among!