Novella Available for Pre-orders

My novella, At the Bottom of the Stairs, is now available for ordering from Reflex Press. Publication date is 10th May, but you can beat the rush by pre-ordering a paperback by clicking HERE. (An e-book version will be available after publication).

As we approach publication day, I am in the No-Man’s Land of being both terrified that people are actually going to read it, and terrified that nobody is going to read it. I have had a few lovely endorsements from some amazing writers and editor though, which is helping the nerves. Here are some of the things they’ve said…

…a sweeping and poignant story that delves into the intricacies of motherhood, relationships, longing, and regret, all set against the backdrop of the technological and familial changes of the 20th century. I was completely drawn in by the entwining lives of the central characters, so beautifully sketched by Banks. At the Bottom of the Stairs is a genuinely touching book and a pleasure to read.” Gaynor Jones

Full of wisdom, beauty and skill, Banks creates a powerful story that pierces the soul and lingers long after reading. She has painted a masterpiece iridescent with hope, dreams and steadfast love.” FJ Morris

It’s a profound character study - its two main figures captured on the page with compassionate insight and skill. And it’s a love-letter to language - such is the quality of her prose. Banks writes about the psychology of motherhood and womanhood with as much nuance as any writer I’ve encountered.” Michael Loveday

So if you like tales of love and loss and gain and tree-climbing and female space explorers, do please take a look! You can even read the first chapter for free on the publisher’s website.